Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Decibelu zilei

Kubb - Wicked Soul

clip pt ca imi da eroare cand ii dau embed si pentru ca e prea misto ca sa il las fara

I don’t want to watch The Street on TV
I don’t want to hear about your day
I’ve got no time to hear
About how much you care
Shut your mouth and come this way

I'm the weirdo in your bedroom
And I can see you in the dark'

Tonight’s the night I shed my wicked soul
I take it out on you and watch you lose control
Tonight’s the night I shed my
Tonight’s the night I shed my
Tonight’s the night I shed my wicked soul
My wicked soul

Let’s disconnect all communication
I’ve told your mother not to call
So lay down on the bed
Cause now I’ve locked the door
And we don’t live out there no more

I’m a weirdo in your bedroom
And I can’t see you in the dark

Tonight’s the night I shed my wicked soul
I take it out on you and watch you lose control
Tonight’s the night I shed my
Tonight’s the night I shed my
Tonight’s the night I shed my wicked soul
My wicked soul

Duma zilei

[Statia Stefan cel Mare,metroul spre Victoriei]
"Atentie se inchid usile...Urmeaza statia Dristor 1 cu peronul pe partea dreapta..."
[Toata lumea se holbeaza confuza la panou,dupa care unul mai panicat izbucneste...]
"Ba,asta nu mergea la Victoriei?Ba,io vreau afara...Vreau AFARA!!!"

PS La multi ani mie...Asta e postul numarul 69 :))

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Decibelu zilei

Breaking Benjamin - Breath

I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like.

Is it over yet, in my head?

I know nothing of your kind, and I won't reveal your evil mind.

Is it over yet? I can't win.

So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.

You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.

This will be all over soon.
Pour salt into the open wound.

Is it over yet? Let me in.

So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.

You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.

I'm waiting, I'm praying, realize, start hating.

You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Duma zilei

Doar pentru ca imi place sa spanzur pisici in gradina si sa pocnesc focile peste fata cu drujba nu inseamna ca sunt sadic.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cum gaseste lumea blogu meu...

Stiu...o sa spuneti ca lumea il gaseste nesimtit,porcos,rautacios,pe alocuri idiot,in mare masura plecat cu sorcova si multe alte cuvinte pe care cu greu hartia le suporta daramite fereastra de browser.

Dar eu vorbesc de ceea ce cauta lumea cand gaseste blogu meu.
Ca sa citez din Level "Mare e internetul domnului si multi uzati ii pazesc firewall-ul".
Cititi mai jos cuvintele exacte din searchurile de google.

Incep cu alea mai normale...

"psihologi in romania"
Nimic de comentat toate bune si frumoase,mai are lumea nevoie de cate unu din asta ca sa invete cum sa zambeasca

"doamnei invatatoare"
Amice,banuiesc ca voiai sa gasesti o lista cu injuraturi ceva ca altfel nu-mi imaginez cum ai ajuns aici.

"educatia eseu"
N-am educatie da am eseu.Si ma mandresc cu el.Hope you liked it.

"versuri Bilingual - Jose Nunez in romana"
Pervers mic...

Cat se poate de normal.Welcome to the club.

Si de aici se complica lucrurile...Ascundeti batranii si copiii.

"de ce se sinucid oamenii"
Selectia naturala.Si pentru ca daca nu s-ar sinucide oamenii as fi privat de una din placerile vietii.Stirile de la ora 5.

"despre oameni prosti"
Se pare ca blogul meu e o resursa infinita de informatii despre oameni prosti.Conform poll-ului cititorii sunt din alta categorie.Slava domnului ca suntem toti ipocriti...

"vreau adrenalina"
Bravo.De admirat.Un om care stie ce vrea.

"drujbe la mana a doua"
Jason si fratii lui...

"sindrom maniaco-depresiv"
Jason si fratii lui din nou...

"cum arata un excrement uman"
In sfarsit primul contact cu extraterestrii si eu sunt primul care i-a depistat.Deci extraterestrii vor sa afle cum arata cacatul nostru.
E.T. amice,ai aflat?

"coaie de cangur"
La dracu si tocmai cand credeam ca le-am vazut pe toate...

Cel mai cuminte dintre toate e "poezii pentru copii".Si cel mai cautat.Sa inteleg ca va pregatiti sa deveniti parinti,sau ce?

Decibelu zilei

Jerry C - Rock On

canci versuri

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Duma zilei

Masturbarea provoaca orbirea.Daca iti sare jetu in ochi.Look closely :)

Decibelu zilei

Marilyn Manson - Spade

The beauty spot was borrowed
Now my sweet love rusts tomorrow
On my confession that is waiting to be heard

Burn your empty rain down on me
Whisper your death beats so softly
Bend your knees,the altar of my ego

You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins
You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins

All my lilies' mouths are open, like to beg for dope and hoping
But their pedal gently can kick, you won't be back

All the timing that is sorrow of all the faces I've acquired
We secure the shadow here, the sun fills face

You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins
You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins

And we said 'til we die
And we said 'til we die

You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins
You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins

You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins
You drained my heart, and made a spade
There's still traces of me in your veins

And we said 'til we die
And we said 'til we die