Monday, August 20, 2007

Duma zilei

Daca iti iubesti sobolanul,nu ti-l infige in cur.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tomasz Baginski

Nu,nu e o injuratura in alta limba,e numele unui director de scurt metraje animate din Polonia,care a castigat BAFTA Film Award pentru animatia Fallen Art in 2004,dupa ce in anul 2002,animatia Cathedral a fost nominalizata la Oscar,si care e deosebit de apreciat in domeniul in care profeseaza.Si are si de ce.In scurt-metrajele lui am vazut ceea ce din multe alte filme lipseste cu desavarsire.Originalitate si un substrat psihologic inteligent creat,fiecare clip avand un mesaj interesant si o morala demna de urmat.

Astea sunt clipurile pe care le-am gasit pe youtube.Enjoy.


Fallen Art




In prezent Platige Studios lucreaza la proiectul jocului RPG The Witcher,realizand cutsceneurile si filmuletele de intro si extro ale jocului.
Trailerul de mai jos e facut tot de Baginski,si e de asteptat ca majoritatea filmuletelor din joc sa fie realizate tot de el.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Aceste cuvinte ne doare

Am stat si m-am gandit inainte sa scriu asta (cum n-am mai facut pana acu,si cred ca se cunoaste),si mi-am dat seama ca blogu asta a dat-o prea mult in caterinca si in vrajeala,si ca,desi caterinca si vrajeala sunt niste chestii care-mi plac,un blog care ar avea doar asta in continut nu m-ar reprezenta.

Am citit posturile dinainte si mi-am dat seama ca in toate am scris despre chestii care nu-mi plac...Si m-am speriat...Am inceput sa cred ca nu-mi (mai) place nimic.M-am simtit timp de cateva secunde ca un batranel suparat pe lume si frustrat ca s-au scumpit biscuitii cu 500 de lei.

Mi-a trecut repede.Imi plac multe lucruri pe lumea asta si gasesc prilej de distractie si de voie buna in orice situatie.Acum ma gandesc la mine ca la un pusti suparat pe lume inarmat cu mult sarcasm si o tastatura.Dar am si o drujba in debara,pe care o pastrez pentru cand tastatura si un borcan de calmante nu o sa mai fie de ajuns.

Oricum ma lungesc cu vorba si deviez de la subiect.Asta nu inseamna ca nu o sa mai fie blog de caterinca,ci doar ca o sa mai aiba si altceva de azi inainte,si anume tot ce mi se pare mie interesant,amuzant,sau mai stiu eu cum.Vreau ca mai tarziu cand imi citesc posturile de aici sa imi fac o idee in legatura cu cat de mult sau de putin m-am schimbat intre timp si in ce sens,nu sa ma hlizesc aiurea la o colectie de poante.
Ce o sa iasa,om trai si om vedea...
Peace and piece,as RJ would say (cine stie cunoaste)

Ca de obicei,eternul si fascinantul,Io,TheRapist

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Decibelu zilei

Korn - Word up

Yo pretty ladies around the world
Got a weird thing to show yourself
So tell all the boys and girls
Tell your brother, your sister and your mamma too
We're about to go down
And you know just what to do
Wave your hands in the air like you don't care
Glide by the people as they start to look and stare
Do your dance, do your dance, do your dance quick mom
Come on baby tell me what's the word

Word up (up up) everybody say
When you hear the call you've got to get it under way
Word up (up up) it's the code word
No matter where you say it you know that you'll be heard

Now all you sucker DJ's who think you're fly
There's got to be a reason and we know the reason why
You try to put on those airs and act real cool
But you got to realize that you're acting like fools
If there's music we can use it
Be free to dance
We don't have the time for psychological romance
No romance, no romance, no romance for me mom
Come on baby tell me what's the word

Word up (up up) everybody say
When you hear the call you've got to get it under way
Word up (up up) it's the code word
No matter where you say it you know that you'll be heard

Word up (up up) everybody say
When you hear the call you've got to get it under way
Word up (up up) it's the code word
No matter where you say it you know that you'll be heard

Word up (up up) everybody say
When you hear the call you've got to get it under way
Word up (up up) it's the code word
No matter where you say it you know that you'll be heard

You say...

You say you like the way I play with words...
But what if words will burn your mind and play with you?
In front of you I slowly slice my wrist...
In pitchfork red I'll paint the canvas of your soul...
Inside your eyes I now can see the twist...
Of every thought and every heartbeat that you stole...
The moon awakens from the myst...
And on my walls the howlers start to crawl...
They always call my name...
They say I should deprive you of your life...
For me it's all the same...
For we have always been at strife...
It's only me that you should blame...
Now where did I put that knife...
It's time to end this game...
Say your prayers,cry your fears and say goodbye...
No more demons to tame...
May the howlers scream your tragic lullaby...
I wonder,what if words will burn your mind and play with you
Will you still like the way I play with words?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Si uite asa a trecut o luna... 3 zile mai exact...
O luna si trei zile in care nu am mai insultat pe nimeni.

Pentru ca am fost ocupat,pentru ca mi-a fost lene,pentru ca nu m-a interesat,pentru ca windows-ul meu e plin de virusi si desktopul meu a fost inghitit impreuna cu taskbarul de cel mai urat si mai fioros vierme vazut vreodata de microsoft,si nu in cele din urma pentru ca mi-a fost lene.Ah,stai,am mai zis asta o data.
In fine,ideea e ca m-am intors sa injur de mama si de orice alte origini homosexualii,tiganii,manelistii,idiotii,nespalatii,suferinzii de propria persoana,analfabetii cu pretentii de geniu neinteles si tot ce mai exista.

Cu alte cuvinte,m-am intors sa-mi vars nervii si frustrarile si sa ma distrez in timp ce fac asta.Daca va distrati si voi cu atat mai bine.
Si daca unii dintre voi se simt insultati,atunci asta e.Probabil asta era si ideea.


Enjoy the clip
